Saturday, March 22, 2014

Working class agenda raised at Perth 'March in March' - speech by WA comrade

Vanguard May 2014 p. 3

Friends, fellow workers and comrades, on behalf of the Bolshevik Club of Western Australia I’d like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to speak and also thank you for coming here today to demonstrate your opposition to the policies of the Abbott government.

I'm supposed to be talking to you about the life on disability pensions and the incessant attacks that are directed at welfare recipients, some of which only receive the bare minimum required to sustain life. A miserly sum of roughly $150 per fortnight, for some.
Comrades, these welfare payments weren't a generous "gift" from the Labor Party or Liberal Party. No, First and foremost, they were a direct response to the social spending policies of the mighty Soviet Union, which had abolished economic recessions, depressions and unemployment. Secondly, they were a result of the needs and demands of an impoverished and struggling working class of the 1920's. Who looked to the Soviet Union for answers. It was a time when mass unemployment, housing evictions, "move on" laws, anti vagrancy laws and anti association laws were being enacted. Does anything sound familiar?

Comrades, for the first time in many people’s lives, job insecurity and unemployment is becoming reality for you the Australian worker. Recent events with Holden, Ford, Toyota, Alcoa, SPC ARDMONA and Qantas, just to name a few, are forcing many people to seriously consider their future and indeed their children's future. Add to this the increasing cost of living; utilities, rent, fuel etc. then many fears are becoming reality, which are forcing some people out of their homes, out of the State or even out of the country. Also we can see a shift from the relative comfort and security of the realms of the middle class and into the realms of uncertainty within the ranks of the working class.
In other words, we are witnessing a destruction of Australia's productive forces. 

However, there is another form of welfare that is quite often overlooked by many, praised by some and undemonised by its sycophants. It’s called "Corporate Welfare".

Recently, we've seen almost $500 million in corporate welfare offered to Holden, Toyota and the Ford motor companies. Not to produce anything, but just to stay in Australia. But not even this exorbitant amount wasn’t enough to convince the CEO's and share holders, who produce NOTHING, to stay here. So in the private interests of these CEO's and share holders, you the Australian worker, face the stigma of unemployment and all its humiliation and demonisation. Not to mention the possible threat of homelessness and conditions of poverty and being forced onto a crumbling health and education system. Crumbling not because they are NO GOOD or USELESS but thanks to reduced public spending. The very cause of the demise of the public sector.

 Look around you people, everything you see has been made and produce by the collective efforts of you the working people. This includes your Wages, Taxes and EVERY CENT of THEIR PROFIT. These attacks on social spending, welfare cuts, wages and conditions, job losses and corporate welfare, all represent a redirection of wealth. A redirection, in order to prop up falling profits. With this redirection of wealth we see you the working people, unable to purchase the very things you have COLLECTIVELY produced. This results in a crisis of over production. Hence the markets, shops become glutted with surplus commodities and so more jobs have to be slashed in order to maximise profits and on and on this psychosis goes until we have economic depression, which results in the destruction of the countries productive forces, which is you comrades. None of us are immune from this phenomenon. In case your wondering comrades, this phenomenon has a name, it’s called CAPITALISM.

So fellow workers, friends and comrades, what can we do about this? I've heard some people say, "Vote Labor In" or even "Vote Liberals Out" or "Vote Greens, Nationals, Clive Palmer"... And indeed we could. Alas, we've been swapping the jockeys of this ageing horse since the formation of the ALP. But none of this jockey swapping has SOLVED the inherent problems that exist in this moribund economic system. If it could, then we wouldn't be having this discussion today.

One suggestion comrades and I hope the trade unions would seriously consider this option, is to say "Goodbye" to the CEO's and share holders of these foreign Nationals. Send them home and they can leave the machinery here. Then the workers in these industries and factories should form management committees and take over these production plants. Run them not for the CEO's and share holders of foreign countries, but for us, the Australian people who still have a need for these items and products. We know how to run these plants. We've been doing it for years. You have the brains and the skills necessary. If they can do it in Argentina, then surely we can do it here.

Comrades, we should be taking over these closed factories and increase taxes on foreign business. If they won’t co-operate, send them packing and nationalise these industries. This course of action removes the PRIVATE PROFIT MOTIVE from the equation (which is clearly jeopardising yours and your children’s future) then we can use this newly created PUBLIC PROFIT to sustain and expand better social benefits to all according to needs.

It's time to put Socialism back on the agenda!

Thank You.

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